Contracts Overview
The Signum contracts are modular, but together comprise the core functionality of the Signum oracle.
Deployed Contracts
Pulsechain - Official Deployment
SignumTestToken: 0x410a1Cb708e0724d1f9013EE31945E5E3F978a44
SignumTestFlex: 0x25baEbFAc231836bd5AFd1F211f6E8306f2BCC1e
AutopayTest: 0x5CBcA25A8CD90d7b80Ba40a67E40E4D027738743
GovernanceTest: 0x7F0c51a9dC0AAf30247dEb14C696BF7e75a6C139
QueryDataStorageTest: 0x8AA0141bd22320668fD3a8a84aA29f2CfCE54FEE
The Oracle contract handles staking, reporting, and reading data. Accounts stake STT (Test Token) to the Oracle to become data reporters. Users read data feeds from this contract.
This contract also handles slashing reporter stakes and removing data when called by Governance.
The Autopay contract handles payments to reporters for submitting data to requested feeds. Users can setup and fund a schedule for reporting rewards (tips) using this contract, or just add a one time tip.
The Governance contract handles creating, voting on, and executing disputes on the Oracle contract. After a dispute is resolved this contract sends the dispute fee and slashed stake to the appropriate parties.
The Token contract is the functionality of the STT (Test Token) token and handles minting Time Based Rewards to the Oracle contract on Pulsechain mainnet.
Last updated