Signum Feeds Installation Guide

How to Install Signum

This is a step by step guide for how to install Signum Feeds using the command line. Signum Feeds is an open source client based on a fork of Tellor’s Telliot Feeds for interacting with the Signum oracle. The methods outlined here were confirmed on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Individual commands will differ with other environments (particularly for installing python 3.9), but the process is relatively similar for setting up Telliot on Mac (requires homebrew). You may use powershell if you’re familiar with using python on windows or use WSL (ubuntu 20.04) for better compatibility with this guide.


  • A computer, virtual machine, or windows subsystem for linux running ubuntu version 20.04. (other versions are probably fine, but 20.04 was used for testing this guide)

  • A PulseChain address that has SRB tokens and native tokens (gas) for the network on which you want to report oracle data. The Guide

  • This is a beginner-friendly guide. Familiarity with the command line will be helpful, but otherwise no assumptions are made about your technical skills. We will go over in detail the commands necessary to: • Install python 3.9 (Signum Feeds will not work with other versions like 3.8 or 3.10) • Create a python virtual environment • Install Signum Feeds • Configure RPC endpoints • Verify Installation

Let’s get started!

Install python3.9

  1. Check your python version with the command:

python3 -V

This will output your current version of python3. For example: [Python 3.8.10]. Make a note of your current version for step 4.

  1. Download the python repository for ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
  1. Install Python 3.9:

sudo apt install python3.9

Python 3.9 is now installed. Now, let’s make sure that it’s the default python version on our machine.

  1. Configure versions. Enter the following command, but replace “/usr/bin/python3.8” with your current version if different. (for example use “/usr/bin/python3.10” if you got 3.10 from step 1).

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.8 1

Set python3.9 as option 2:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.9 2

Finally, check your available versions:

sudo update-alternatives --config python3

Press enter to confirm python3.9, or select the option for python 3.9.

  1. Finally, double check your python version with:

python3 -V

Important: If you’ve completed the steps and your python3 version is anything other than 3.9.xx, you will not be able to use signum. Please make sure you are running python 3.9 before you continue.

Create a Python Virtual Environment

A python virtual environment is like a container where Signum Feeds will be installed on your machine. Working in a virtual environment is not mandatory, but it helps in avoiding dependency conflicts if you plan on using the computer/VM for running other python software.

  1. Install venv:

sudo apt-get install python3.9-venv
  1. Create a python virtual environment directory called tenv:

python3 -m venv tenv
  1. Activate the virtual environment:

source tenv/bin/activate

Install Signum Feeds

  1. Clone the signum-core repo:

git clone
  1. Clone the signum-feeds repo:

git clone
  1. Change directory (cd) into the signum-feeds folder that you just downloaded:

cd signum-feeds
  1. Install signum-feeds with the command:

pip install -e .
  1. Change directory to the signum core folder with

cd ..

and then

cd signum-core
  1. Install signum-core with the command:

pip install -e .

Configure a mainnet RPC Endpoint

  1. Create the Signum configuration files:

telliot config init
  1. Edit endpoints.yaml. Since this guide works for an ubuntu machine, we will use a cli based text editor called nano. Open endpoints.yaml with:

nano telliot/endpoints.yaml

Please note: Windows users using WSL and tenv, your endpoints.yaml file will be located in the root of your disk.

cd /home/yourusername
nano telliot/endpoints.yaml

Use the arrow keys to navigate the document and edit the mainnet node endpoint URL to match your own. Signum requires that you configure at least the Pulsechain mainnet endpoint for its functionality. (You may add endpoints for other networks also if you have those ready.) If you make a mistake, exit the document with [ctrl+x] [n] (don’t save changes) and press enter to confirm. Then open the document and start editing again. When you’re done editing and you want to save your changes, use [ctrl+x] [y] and press enter to confirm.

Verify Installation

We can now check if Telliot was installed correctly with the command:

telliot –-help

If Telliot was installed properly, you should be presented with a list of commands that can be executed with telliot.

Configure Reporting Accounts

First, we will set the account(s) that we want to use for staking SRB and reporting. The telliot account command is used with the following format:

telliot account add PulsechainAccount 0xblahblahmyPrivateKey 369

You can replace “PulsechainAccount” with any name you choose for your reporting account.

Replace “0xblahblahmyPrivateKey” with your reporting wallet’s private key.

The “369” indicates that you want to use this account for reporting on network Id 369: Pulsechain Mainnet.

You will be prompted to set a password for your account. If you ever forget the password, you can simply create another account with the correct information. You can see a list of your accounts and their public addresses with the command:

telliot account find

Accounts can be deleted with:

telliot account delete AccountName

Last updated