Getting Paid
The payments for Signum feeds are not held in the main signum contract. Technically you can pay for Signum feeds however you want (off-chain, recurring, hand shake agreements, etc.), however the trustless way to do this on-chain is to use the Autopay contract.
The autopay contract allows parties to schedule and fund recurring data feeds or submit one-time tips to Signum queryIDs.
For most Signum queryIDs, the Signum token on the network will be the tipped token.
There is a 12 hour waiting period after reporting data before tips can be claimed. This helps ensure that, if a value gets disputed, another reporter will be incentivized to submit the data and the user can still retrieve their requested data. Also note that tips must be claimed within 3 months of the original data submission.
One time tips
Finding - Autopay contracts will emit an event:
To see the current tip for any queryId, check:
Getting Payment - To get the payment for a one time tip, run:
Note the timestamp array is so you can submit for many one time tips and just claim all of those tips at once.
Recurring data feeds
Finding - When a new feed is funded, the following event will emit:
To see all data feeds for a given queryID, check:
Getting Payment - to claim payments from a data feed, run:
The _feedId
is simply the keccak256 has of the variables defined in setupFeed
Last updated